The AEMHA IP # 1 & 2 groups were all off
to sleep early Friday Night, dreaming of passing, shooting, scoring goals and
having fun at our first ever IP Jamboree held in Durham early Saturday Morning.
Our coaches were wondering if our players
would be awake and ready for of our first game at 7:40 am seeing our IceDogs
taking on the Dundalk Storm and, ready we were!
Coach Chris sent out the first shift of Brennan W. Hunter T. Drayce M. Jordan S. and Avery W. with Connor H. playing net showed strong face off skills, great hustle and our determination quickly calmed the Storm. It was obvious that we had come to play. After a quick breakfast and some coffee for the moms, dads and coaches, our next game saw us taking on the Flesherton Golden Hawks. We’re pretty sure the Golden Hawks will now remember the first names of Linkin M. Cole M. Landry W. William H. and Paysen H. by memory. Our Ice Dogs showed great skating and strong passing. All that hard work paid off by the IcedDogs being able to find the back of the net and quickly grounding the Hawks after a hardworking 30 minutes. Our last game of the day potted us against an old familiar foe to all of AEMHA….. The Shallow Lake Lakers. Trenton L. Hailey H. Brock B-P. & Madison W. quickly got a taste of the rivalry and were more than up for the match. Our IceDogs were stickhandling, spreading out and had even more passing. They showed these Lakers that all our hard work at practice has paid off. If this game was a preview to the home and away we have with this very same Laker team in two weeks, call all of your family, friends and fans as this is going to be a doozy of a series. Thank you to all of the Parents and IceDogs as we went down as one big team and our IceDogs were true sportsmen and made all of AEMHA proud. A special shout out to Piper B. Logan W. Carson L and Coach Chris. We can’t wait for you to join us March 3rd for our very own AEMHA Jamboree. Your hard work at practice paid off and a fun day was had by all. Your Coaches are proud of you.