AEMHA is at a Crossroads, News (Arran-Elderslie Minor Hockey)

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Jan 02, 2023 | Scott Price | 893 views
AEMHA is at a Crossroads
The entire AEMHA Executive hopes that all of IceDog Nation had a great, relaxing holiday break.

As we start the 2nd half of the season, teams are ramping up for playoffs and attending tournaments, we can all be very proud of the association that we belong too.
In the last couple of years we have teams competing for provincial titles, wining local division titles as well as Silver Stick Championships.
Where associations around us are folding and merging to stay alive and ice teams, we are being very competitive with our teams and our participation continues to grow. All these things are so positive.
The stark reality is, our program is at a crossroads and without help, it is set to close as the other associations around us have been doing. The association needs your help and needs it now.
The dedicated group of individuals that have helped build this program to the successful state that we find it in; time is coming to an end....... and need to be replaced.
The association is currently looking to fill the following positions:
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Fundraising Chair, Ice Scheduler
The individuals that are stepping down are willing to mentor new members but for that to happen, we need volunteers to step up before seasons end. Without these positions being filled, the by laws will not allow the association to operate and run a hockey program.
Many of our executive members have been 15 plus years on the board we have been at this position one other time and thankfully we had some volunteers step up, and the program continued. I hope that this is the case again.
Even if you just attend one meeting to gage all the things that have to be done to run a successful program, that would be a start.
Please consider volunteering your time, if you would like to continue to play hockey in your local community.

Thanks, and all the best of a safe and successful 2023.

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