So You Got AP'd..What Does That Mean?, News (Arran-Elderslie Minor Hockey)

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Oct 01, 2022 | Scott Price | 1759 views
So You Got AP'd..What Does That Mean?
Hey IceDog Nation! 

I've been at the U11, U13 and U15 tryouts and the IceDogs are looking sharp this year!  Coaches and Evaluators have some tough choices (and that's a good thing!)

One of the things that can come out of tryouts is that a coach asks you to be an AP (Affiliated Player)...basically, it's like a call-up in the NHL.

There are some rules which coaches have to follow with Affiliated Players:

1) Rep teams can only AP from Rep teams the age division below or LL (in the same age division)...(ie.  U13 rep can AP from U13 LL or U11 Rep)

2) AP players MUST play with their regular team first if games are scheduled at the same time.

When you are AP'd, coaches might use you in different ways (and it is totally up to them):

1) Regular AP - you would play as many games and practices with your AP team as your schedule allows.

2) Emergency AP - you would only attend practices/games when you are invited to do so by the Head Coach.

**AP situations often change throughout the season as players get injured or are is always an ever changing situation.

In a nutshell, being an AP means you have the CHANCE at bonus hockey--nothing is every guaranteed but with hard work, commitment and a team first attitude, you can make the most of the situation!  It's BONUS HOCKEY as I like to call it!

I've been lucky enough to have AP's turn the tide in a playoff series and be a real difference maker in a season!  Here's hoping our AP's this year have a great year with their regular team and their affiliated team!

Scott Price
AEMHA Past President and Web Master
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