Oct 13, 2021 | Scott Price | 4702 views
AEMHA Mourns the Loss of Bill and Sandi Tibbo
It is with a very heavy heart that AEMHA joins the Tibbo/Angel families in mourning the loss of two great people, Bill and Sandi Tibbo.
Bill and Sandi were tragically lost in a car accident in Northern Ontario last week. They leave behind a legacy of support for Arran-Elderslie Minor Hockey and other local sports in our area.
I first met Bill playing Sunday morning hockey in Desboro and Chesley. His raspy laugh and love for life is something I will always cherish. The dressing room talks were always fun (even though I was rarely on the winning team--the Tibbo team always won!)
Bill and Sandi were big supporters of Minor Hockey. During fundraisers such as the Annual IceDog Golf Tournament, Bill was always participating and helping raise money. He was known to generate lots of funds by bidding on the Silent Auction items (and leading the fun parade as well.) Sandi was more of a behind the scenes support and her immediate family (the Angels) were always volunteering as coaches when their kids were involved in Minor Hockey.
AEMHA Executive is asking that all IceDog families put their hockey sticks out on the porch or steps through the weekend to recognize the loss (and generosity) of these two great people.
Sticks out for Billy and Sandi.
We will miss you Billy and Sandi. Our deepest sympathies to your entire family. God speed.
S. Price
Past President and Web Master