Jul 22, 2021 | Greg Fritz | 521 views
Registration will open on Monday July 26, 2021
Registration will open on Monday July 26, 2021.
Registration is ON LINE this year which
is new to us all, so please be patient as no doubt there will be some
challenges come up along the way.
There will be links sent out to the website
where you will register, along with some "how to" ytube links to help
with the process.
Once I receive copies of your registration, I will be in touch regarding payment method. Fundraising is remaining the same,
$150 per family.
We are having a cut off date of registration for
September 1, 2021. You maybe able to register after that but a late fee will be
For those that have registered children in the past and completed the Respect in Sport program, you will also receive details how to update your childs profile so it will link to the new system. If you are not planning on registering your child for hockey this year, please let us know and we can remove your contact info from our distribution list. Watch your email and the website for further details, and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns at this time.
Looking forward to a " normal " hockey season. Thanks and take care.