May 07, 2021 | Scott Price | 681 views
Off Season Update - AGM and More...
Hey IceDog Nation!
Even though we aren't on the ice, the wheels are in motion to get us ready for next season! Here is an update of what is going on and what to look for in the coming weeks...
1) We are still figuring out a plan to get equipment/jerseys returned. Stay tuned.
2) Annual General Meeting (AGM) - "normally" this important meeting is held in May. It gives everyone an update of how our Association is doing. New roles within the Executive are voted on, financial overview are just some of things discussed.
We have decided to hold off until June for the 2021 AGM so we can hopefully meet in person. Please consider attending and seeing how things work and....
3) Roles within the Executive! Our Executive is one of the best in the biz! I, for one, have benefitted greatly from their experience, dedication and hard work. BUUUUT, we need some new blood! I encourage anyone with players in the early age groups to get involved as some of us on the board have players in the older age groups and will be moving on. Learning the ropes from an experienced group will help ease the transition when it happens--and it will happen. Please reach out to me or anyone on the Executive Board if you have questions or want to become involved.
***being an Executive member means you would plan to attend meetings once a month. You may be asked to vote on important issues. Most of the roles WITHIN the Executive are continuing with current members so we are basically looking for Directors at Large (a fancy word for input!)
4) Registration - Typically, registration happens later in May. But, due to Covid, we have to make some adjustments. The Executive will be reaching out for intent to register plans so we can have numbers to work with as we plan teams, coaches etc. for next season. Stay tuned.
Keep your stick on the ice IceDogs!