Mar 26, 2021 | Scott Price | 743 views
The End of the 2020/2021 Season
Hey IceDog Nation!
The AEMHA Executive has decided that the end of March will mark the end of the 2020/2021 season. While it wasn't the season many of us hoped for, I hope every IceDog had some fun playing the great game of hockey.
There are many many people to thank for this unprecedented season and I am sure to forget some but here goes:
1) Thanks to the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie staff for the hard work and dedication to keeping ice in Arenas and working with us to follow Covid-19 Protocols. Carly, Katrina and all the Arena staff were instrumental (as they always are) to us having a successful season. Please reach out and rent the ice (Chesley Arena is keeping Ice in until April 18th) to support them.
2) Thanks to Richard, Greg, Jake, Josh and Colby for reffing our games during Phase 2 and 3. Much of it was volunteer and they gave countless hours on the weekends to allow us to play.
3) Thanks to the Coaches and Trainers who volunteered to make our season work. I hope you found it as rewarding as I did.
4) Thanks to the Parents who respected protocols and volunteered to do the screening at the Arena entrances. You are the unsung heroes of AEMHA.
5) Thanks to the players--I have witnessed lots of great sportsmanship and skill during this season. I am very proud to wear that IceDog logo on my coat. You are great examples of how our great game should be played.
6) Thanks to the Executive and Return to Play Committee for attending last minute Zoom meetings and figuring out a way to get us back on the Ice this year. Your behind the scenes work often goes unnoticed and you do it without a lot of fanfare but you truly are the backbone of our organization.
7) Melissa B (our Town Contact) deserves a huge stick tap for taking on this role during a Pandemic and moving us flawlessly through it. If you know Melissa or see her at the rink this weekend, please thank her!
Thanks to everyone and anyone who had a part (big or small) during this season. It was truly an example of how things can work when we all pull on the rope in the same direction. Great job IceDogs!
Watch for emails and this website for details on how to return equipment and trainer kits in the coming days.
S. Price
President of AEMHA