Return to Play - update #3, News (Arran-Elderslie Minor Hockey)

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Sep 08, 2020 | Scott Price | 901 views
Return to Play - update #3
Hey IceDog Nation!  I am going to do my best to write an update every week (leading into Return to Play) as things are probably going to happen fast and furious in the next few weeks.

I have been receiving lots of questions so I am going to do my best to address them here:

Question 1 - how will coaches be chosen this season?

Answer - AEMHA has not decided on Head Coaches for this season.  That could be handled in phase 2 or phase 3 of return to play.  For phase 1, we will be having "on-ice" helper(s) to lead the small group skills and drills practice.  

Question 2 - how will groups be chosen for each age group

Answer - our Return to Play Committee is meeting soon to group kids.  This will not be an easy task.  The groups will stay the same for the first phase (4 weeks) and then we will re-assess after that.  Carefull consideration will be taken so each group gets an on-ice helper, trainer, parent rep and screener.  Thank you to the people who let Richard know they were willing to help in one of these roles.

Question 3 - My coaching qualifications have expired; can I still help on the ice?

Answer - all on ice helpers this year MUST complete the Return to Play online course available throught the e-hockey website (you would have used it for Respect in Sport and Rowan's Law courses).  If your qualifications have expired, there is a "booklet" you can print and fill out to submit to AEMHA so we can review and select you (if needed).

You can access your locker at:
You can access your e-hockey account at:

Question 4 - When will my kid get to play games!?

Answer - Phase one of return to play is only skills and drills.  After 4 weeks, AEMHA will re-assess.  That might mean continuing with phase one or moving to phase 2.  Once we are able to move to phase 2, some game-play within our own association will start (we are lucky to have the numbers to allow this in almost all age groups!)  If we are able to move through the phases, we eventually might be able to play other associations within our area (TCDMHA, Shallow Lake, Bruce Penninsula for example).

Please remember:  Your patience, flexibility and tolerance during Return to Play is greatly appreciated.  AEMHA is working hard with Arran-Elderslie to get a plan in place to get the kids on the ice but we need your cooperation and help to make it work.  If we do all the things necessary, hopefully we can back to "normal" hockey soon!  Our Return to Play Protocol is flexible and things could change as we move through the phases.  Please check the AEMHA website for regular updates.

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