Jun 07, 2020 | Scott Price | 1244 views
Plan for Return to Play
Hey IceDog Nation!
It's taking a little longer than everyone hoped but I think we are at the tail end of the pandemic...let's hope anyway!
I have had a few tele-conferences with OMHA and Hockey Canada over the past couple of weeks as they outline their plans for Return to Play.
As you might expect, there are a lot more questions than answers but here is what we know for sure:
1) Hockey will return in some capacity...and they are planning for a Sept 1 start-up (date will be adjusted if it as to be). But make no mistake, hockey will be back.
2)The Return to Play will be done in phases, with each phase expanding the number of people...this will mean a lot of skill development in the beginning with the last phase being a return to "normal" hockey.
3) Patience, Cooperation and Flexibility are going to be key for all the Players, Parents, Coaches, Trainers and Arena Staff.
Hockey is a HUGE part of the fabric of our community and the hope is that hockey will be a big part of getting people back together.
Coaching - As registration continues to be online, anyone interested in Coaching or Assistant Coaching should get their online application into AEMHA before July 31. Visit the AEMHA website for the online application form.
Stay safe and healthy IceDog Nation and let's hope for a return to play soon!!!