Equipment Return Update - PLEASE READ!, News (Arran-Elderslie Minor Hockey)

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Apr 30, 2020 | Scott Price | 969 views
Equipment Return Update - PLEASE READ!
Good morning IceDog Nation,

Just a further update to our Equipment Collection tomorrow (Friday, May 1 between 8 am and 1 pm)


**We MUST respect social distancing measures during this time!  We are very very fortunate that the Municipality is allowing us to do this!


This is non-negotiable and individuals and our Municipality could be fined if we don’t respect self-distancing…this was made very clear by the Municipality.


If you feel like this will be a problem for you or more than one person per team is doing the drop-off, please use the following steps:


Tara – Drop-off at 105 Elgin Avenue (Scott P) before noon on Friday.


Chelsey/Paisley – Drop off at Margie Wathke (50 Concession 8, Arran-Elderslie) or Kevin Waddell (117 4th St SW, Chesley)




1.        Brandon (Equipment Manager) will be at the SOUTH doors of the Chesley Arena…if another person is there doing drop-off, you will need to wait at the designated area (marked by a pylon)

**we CANNOT have a line-up of cars waiting for drop-off…if one car is already in the waiting area, please wait in a separate part of the parking lot, or at the park….if waiting is not an option for you, please use Scott (Tara) Margie (Chesley/Paisley) or Kevin (Chesley/Paisley) as drop off zone.


2.       Once the dropoff “zone” is clear, you may move up to where Brandon is waiting for you.


3.       We are recommending the following drop off teams for teams:


IP (3 Teams) 8AM to 9AM

Novice (5 Teams)   9:30AM to 10:30AM

ATOM (4 Teams) 11AM to Noon

Peewee/Bantam/Midget (5 Teams) 12:30pm-1:30pm


Thank you IceDog Nation for your patience during this…we are working through it the best we can with the cooperation or our Municipality.


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me (Scott Price) @ [email protected].




AEMHA Executive.


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